Networking science.

We are the largest scientific network in Switzerland and provide advice to policy-makers and society on knowledge-based and socially relevant issues. MORE

Science after Noon

Sharing knowledge, meeting exciting people and experiencing interfaces: Within the framework of "Science after Noon", actors from the network of the Academies of Arts and Sciences regularly discuss scientific and science policy topics and give each other an insight into ongoing and implemented projects.

The events will be held hybride, in the House of Academies as well as virtually. Registration is via the registration form for the respective event. After registration you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom access. The event is open to the public and all interested parties are welcome.

You can find more information about our past events in the archive. All events since April 2020 are available on our YouTube channel.

Upcoming events

Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences | Haus der Akademien (1.OG), Laupenstrasse 7, 3008 Bern und online
Science after Noon: 150 Jahre Anna Tumarkin. Was uns die erste Professorin heute noch zu sagen hat
Als erste Frau weltweit wurde Anna Tumarkin (1875-1951) 1909 an einer Universität für beide Geschlechter, der Universität Bern, auf regulärem Weg zur vollberechtigten Professorin. 150 Jahre nach...


Past events

Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences | Haus der Akademien (1.OG), Laupenstrasse 7, 3008 Bern und online
Science after Noon: Open Science Meets Citizen Science
Die Veranstaltung beleuchtet die Synergien zwischen Open Science und Citizen Science. Zum Auftakt stellen Olivia Denk und Tizian Zumthurmdie UNESCO-Empfehlung zu Open Science vor. Sie definieren Open...

Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences | Haus der Akademien, Laupenstrasse 7 (1.OG), 3008 Bern und online
Science after Noon: Forschungsplatz Schweiz. Weichenstellung für die Zukunft
Welche politischen Rahmenbedingungen braucht die Schweiz, um Forschung und Innovation zu fördern? Wo sehen unsere Expertinnen und Experten die Wettbewerbsvorteile des Schweizer Systems? Wie bauen wir...

Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences | Haus der Akademien, Laupenstrasse 7, Raum Eiger im 1.OG, Bern und online
Science after Noon: D wie «Datenkompetenz». Das ABCD des 21. Jahrhunderts
What should, may, will and can I do with data? And what not? These questions are at the heart of data literacy. As a key skill of the 21st century, it enables people to find their way through the...

Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences | Haus der Akademien, Laupenstrasse 7, 3008 Bern, Raum Eiger 1. OG und virtuell
Science after Noon: Wie die Wissenschaft aktuellen Krisen begegnet
Klima, Covid, Kriege - das Krisenbewusstsein ist in den letzten Jahren stets gestiegen. Mit unseren Podiumsgästen diskutieren wir darüber, welchen Einfluss Krisen auf die Wissenschaft haben und wie...

Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences | Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, House of Academies, Laupenstrasse 7, 3008 Bern, Room “Eiger“ and online
Science after Noon: AI in Teaching. Learnings and visions
With the publication of the GPT chatbot over a year ago, many new AI tools have emerged and become an integral part of everyday university life. How can and should students, researchers and...

Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences | Cantina dell Accademia, Haus der Akademien, Laupenstrasse 7, CH-3008 Bern
Science after Noon: Missionsorientierte Forschung und Innovation in der Schweiz
Missionsorientierte Forschung und Innovation in der Schweiz Forschung und Innovation sind in der Schweiz traditionell stark von unten gesteuert. Neu etablieren sich hierzulande Förderprogramme, die...

Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences | Eiger Room, House of Academies, Laupenstrasse 7, 3001 Bern, Switzerland
Science after Noon: From Tweets to Findings: The Challenges of Data Access for Scientific Studies on Online Platforms
What are the efforts of platforms like X and Instagram to empower the research community? With the Digital Service Act (DSA), the European Union has laid the foundations for a new modus operandi to...

Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences | Hybrid Zoom / Haus der Akademien, Laupenstrasse 7, 3008 Bern
Science after Noon: Unity of science and a real studium generale
Time: 13:15 - 14:45   At the Science after Noon on 24 August, after a short introduction the President of the Swiss Academies, Marcel Tanner, the author Luc Saner will present the book and the...

23.05 - 23.05.2023
Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences | Haus der Akademien und Zoom, 13:15 - 14:15
Science after Noon: The influence of artificial intelligence on everyday research life
The rapid proliferation of the new chatbot ChatGPT is currently giving the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) a lot of media attention. The generative potential of this newer generation of AI is...
