Networking science.

We are the largest scientific network in Switzerland and provide advice to policy-makers and society on knowledge-based and socially relevant issues. MORE
Etablierter Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft gefährdet

Aus der publizierten BFI-Botschaft 2025 bis 2028 geht eine beträchtliche Finanzierungslücke für die Grundaufgaben von a+ hervor.

European institute for AI in science, recommend European science academies

Nominated by a+, Andrea Emilio Rizzoli from the Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Lugano co-chaired the working group.

Prix Média 2024: lanciato il bando di concorso

Quest'anno, per la prima volta, il Prix MultiMédia sarà assegnato a forme innovative di narrazione.

Offener Brief zum Verhandlungsmandat zwischen der Schweiz und der EU

Die BFI-Institutionen haben einen offenen Brief zur Unterstützung des bundesrätlichen Mandatsentwurfs für neue bilaterale Verhandlungen mit der EU unterzeichnet.

How to counter online misinformation and conspiracy theories

Researchers from the Swiss Young Academy present recommendations on how to counter online misinformation and conspiracy theories.

More effective Academies following a re-organization

The Federal Council approved the corresponding partial revision of the a+ Statutes.

Scientific policy advice in crises

The ERI-Institutions welcome the implementation proposal for the involvement of scientific advisory bodies in crises, which the Federal Council has approved.

Swiss Academies call for secure funding for their core tasks

The financing of our core tasks has to be secured in the upcoming funding period as well.

Yves Flückiger is our new President

Marcel Tanner handed over the presidency to Yves Flückiger.

Förderung MINT Schweiz

News aus der Projektförderung.





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