Networking science.

We are the largest scientific network in Switzerland and provide advice to policy-makers and society on knowledge-based and socially relevant issues. MORE
Jahresbericht 2023: Ein leistungsfähiges Netzwerk

Alle Highlights des vergangenen Jahres und persönliche Einblicke in unsere Arbeit im Jahresbericht 2023.

Call for new Members

For the period 2025-2026, the Strategy Council of the National Open Research Data Strategy is seeking new members for the ORD Sounding Board Researchers.

Swiss Data Literacy Charter as the basis for data literacy

The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences are publishing a Data Literacy Charter for Switzerland.

Essential investments in education, research and innovation

There is a major discrepancy between funding growth and strategic goals.

5 new members for the Swiss Young Academy

The Members' Assembly of the Swiss Young Academy has elected 5 new members, whose membership will last 5 years.

Call for applications for the Open Research Data Prize 2024

The ORD Prize 2024 is open for applications until 31 July 2024.

Etablierter Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft gefährdet

Aus der publizierten BFI-Botschaft 2025 bis 2028 geht eine beträchtliche Finanzierungslücke für die Grundaufgaben von a+ hervor.

European institute for AI in science, recommend European science academies

Nominated by a+, Andrea Emilio Rizzoli from the Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Lugano co-chaired the working group.

Academies Publish CoARA Action Plan

The academies have published an action plan with specific milestones, outlining the implementation of the agreed core commitments by the end of 2027.

Förderung MINT Schweiz

News aus der Projektförderung.





Die Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz publizieren regelmässig Studien und Factsheets zu gesellschaftlich relevanten Themen.

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Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences

House of Academies
Laupenstrasse 7
P.O. Box
3001 Bern


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