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Ethics Committee for Animal Experimentation

The Ethics Committee for Animal Experimentation (ECAE) anticipates and discusses ethically challenging aspects of animal experimentation and develops opinions and recommendations. The ECAE serves the goal of promoting ethically responsible, high-quality and scientifically meaningful research.
Animal experiment with a mouse

The Ethics Committee for Animal Experimentation is a body jointly operated by the SAMS and the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT). The ECAE serves as an expert and advisory body in the area of animal experimentation, with members drawn from various disciplines –research, veterinary medicine, animal welfare, law and ethics.


The ECAE provides a platform for interdisciplinary dialogue between all scientific disciplines that have concerns about animal experimentation. It issues opinions on ethical issues related to animal experiments that arise as a result of new insights, current events, political initiatives or legislative decrees or that are brought to its attention by institutions or private individuals.


The opinions formed on the Committee are relayed to the outside world in publications and through public-relations work. Workshops, conferences, networking meetings and media briefings contribute to discussing insights with the research community, the authorities and interested members of the public.

Commission Members


Prof. Hanno Würbel, Veterinary Public Health Institute, Animal Welfare Division, University Bern (chair)



Dr. Charlotte E. Blattner, Institut für öffentliches Recht, Universität Bern

PhD Matthias Eggel, Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine, University of Zürich

Dr. Gisèle Ferrand, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel

Dr. Silvia Frey, Animalfree Research, Bern

Dr. med. vet. Simone Gilg, BLV, Abteilung Tiergesundheit und Tierschutz, Tierversuche, Bern

Prof. Michael O. Hottiger, Department of Molecular Mechanisms of Disease, University of Zurich

Prof. Daniel Huber, Department of Basic Neurosciences, Université de Genève

Prof. Angela Martin, Department of Philosophy, University of Basel

Prof. Michael Schmid, Department of Neurosciences and Movement Sciences, University of Fribourg

Dr. Michaela Thallmair, Animal Welfare Officer, University of Zürich

Dr. Andrina Zbinden-Hauzenberger, Université de Fribourg


Managing officer

Andrea Kern, MSc (SAMS)

Ethics Committee for Animal Experimentation

House of Academies
Laupenstrasse 7 
P.O. Box
3001 Bern
