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Medical progress is constantly opening up new opportunities, which often lead to new ethical questions. These questions concern professionals and experts as much as they do society as a whole.  The Central Ethics Committee (CEC) of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS) anticipates and discusses ethical challenges in medicine and prepares practical guidance, such as medical-ethical guidelines.

A wide range of ethics topics

The diverse medical-ethical topics range from A for autonomy to W for Weighing of interests for animal experiments. On the SAMS website you will find an alphabetical index of all the topics the Academy has covered in recent years.


All current medical-ethical guidelines are available on the SAMS website under “Publications”. The guidelines are increasingly important not only for specialists but also for the wider population, for example, with topics such as “Management of Dying and Death” or “Dementia”. 

Wer wird behandelt, wenn die Betten knapp sind?

Folgen Sie unserer virtuellen Podiumsdiskussion zu ethischen Überlegungen zum Umgang mit Ressourcenknappheit bei intensivmedizinischen Behandlungen. Mit Johan Rochel & Jean-Daniel Strub, Co-Founder des ethix - Lab für Innovationsethik. Moderation: Claudia Appenzeller, exec. MPA, Secretary General Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences

lic. theol., Dipl.-Biol. Sibylle Ackermann

Head Department Ethics

House of Academies
Laupenstrasse 7
P.O. Box
3001 Bern
