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Scientific Integrity

Scientific integrity is based on the observance of fundamental principles and their many different contextual concretisations. These principles guide scientists in their research and teaching and help them to deal with the practical, ethical, and intellectual challenges they can expect to encounter.

Scientific integrity - establishing standards together

Between 2018 and 2021, a group comprised of experts from the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, the Swiss National Science Foundation, swissuniversities and Innosuisse, worked on a new code of conduct for scientific integrity. Its aim is to strengthen scientific integrity in research and educational settings, while addressing all actors, participating in the creation, dissemination and promotion of knowledge within the Swiss system of higher education. For Institutions it serves as a checklist for their own regulations and as a practical reference when there is doubt about best practices. Furthermore, the code takes recent developments in the fields of open science and social media into account, and provides precise recommendations on how best to set up structures for the protection of integrity. The code of conduct was published in four languages on 11 May 2021.


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Science after Noon
Auffrischungskur für die wissenschaftliche Integrität

Hochschulen und Forschungsförderer in der Schweiz geben sich einen neuen «Kodex zur wissenschaftlichen Integrität».

Portrait Edwin Constable

The President of the Committee for Research Integrity explains why Swiss research will get a new ethics codex this year.