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Integrity 2.0: code, career and new culture

In the first part of the event on 30 September 2021, we will talk about the challenges, origins and motivations of the code of conduct for scientific integrity. In the second part, our guests will discuss in an interactive panel the meaning of the code of conduct, its impact on careers and how a cultural change can be carried out together. The discussions will be followed by an aperitif.


Moderated by Astrid Tomczak

Musical opening with Buena Vista Capital Club (Trio)


Opening speech by Claudia Appenzeller, Secretary General of the Academies

Presentation code of conduct by Edwin Constable and Regina E. Aebi-Müller, Expert group scientific integrity




Interactive part with guest involvement (tool: Mentimeter)

Conclusion by Marcel Tanner and panelists

Musical finale by Buena Vista Capital Club (Trio)

Closing remarks and words of gratitude by Claudia Appenzeller, Secretary General a+


Karin Spycher

Head of Scientific Integrity
House of Academies
Laupenstrasse 7
P.O. Box
3001 Bern




Please note that we cannot act as a consultation or advisory service for individual cases regarding academic integrity.