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Media Releases


Switzerland should take an active approach to critical materials for the energy transition

Bern, 27.06.2024 | swiss-academies


The worldwide expansion of renewable energies is rapidly boosting demand for many raw materials and rare earths used to manufacture solar panels, batteries and other electronic components. Many of these raw materials originate from only a few countries, leading to one-sided dependence. Even though Switzerland mainly imports components and finished products, this country is indirectly impacted by any supply bottlenecks or geopolitical restrictions, according to a new report written by researchers from the Energy Commission of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences. The proposed options for action range from technical innovations and the expansion of recycling to international agreements.

Swiss Data Literacy Charter as the basis for data literacy

Bern, 15.05.2024 | swiss-academies


The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences are publishing a Data Literacy Charter for Switzerland. This Charter is intended to initiate a broad-based cultural change in the way society handles general and personal data. One aim is for each person to be in a position to determine how personal data is handled.  A further aim of the Charter is that people should be able to critically evaluate data and statements based on it.

Five new members admitted to the Swiss Young Academy

Bern, 13.05.2024 | Swiss Young Academy


The Members’ Assembly of the Swiss Young Academy (SYA) has elected five new members. The new members were able to convince the Election Committee with their interest in promoting the dialogue between science and society and with their ideas for shaping the science system. The scientists and scholars newly-admitted to the Young Academy, together with the other 39 members, will be able to implement these ideas in inter- and transdisciplinary projects over the next five years.

Essential investments in education, research and innovation

22.04.2024 | ERI actors


The Federal Council draft of the Dispatch on the promotion of education, research and innovation (ERI Dispatch) for the period 2025-2028 is strongly influenced by concerns about the overall state of government finances. Thus there will be fewer financial resources available to the ERI sector in 2025 than in the previous year. As a consequence, there is a risk that the level of services will be cut back and that some of the projects carried out in the interests of Switzerland’s economy and society will have to be suspended. The cantonal universities and the ETH Domain are under particular pressure, as they can expect the growth in federal funding in coming years to be well below average.

Prix Média 2024: lanciato il bando di concorso

20.03.2024 | academie-svizzere


Per un giornalismo scientifico avvincente: è questo l'obiettivo che le Accademie svizzere delle scienze si prefiggono assegnando dei premi per i contributi eccellenti del giornalismo scientifico. Quest'anno, per la prima volta, il Prix MultiMédia sarà assegnato a forme innovative di narrazione. I giovani talenti con idee per contributi giornalistici sui temi della ricerca e della scienza possono candidarsi al Prix Média Newcomer per realizzare i loro progetti. Il Prix Média, invece, è rivolto a professionisti esperti.

Etablierter Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft gefährdet

08.03.2024 | akademien-schweiz


Aus der heute publizierten Botschaft zur Förderung von Bildung, Forschung und Innovation (BFI) 2025 bis 2028 geht eine beträchtliche Finanzierungslücke für die Grundaufgaben der Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz hervor. Damit sind nicht nur die ambitionierten Ziele des Bundesrats für den Wissenschaftsstandort Schweiz in Gefahr. Darüber hinaus wird ein Netzwerk von über 100’000 ehrenamtlich engagierten Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern spürbar und nachhaltig beeinträchtigt.

Food 4.0 funding programme: Innovative project ideas for a sustainable Swiss food system

Zürich, 22.02.2024 | swiss-academies | SATW


This year's call for proposals to promote innovative projects in the Swiss food system met with great interest. A panel of experts selected the six most promising projects from the 30 submitted. These will now receive financial support.

How to counter online misinformation and conspiracy theories: Recommendations from scholars and practitioners

Bern, 15.2.2024 | swiss-academies


What challenges exist when addressing online misinformation and conspiracy theories? And what strategies can be used to best meet these challenges? These questions were posed to experts in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic by researchers from the Swiss Young Academy and the University of Zurich, who now present recommendations for decision-makers in journalism, politics, and academia
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