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Virtual on Zoom, 13:15-14:15 | Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences

Science after Noon: Health data and digital technology internationally


How can the health system be improved? What are the needs in the context of the Covid certificate? 


Today, doctors can already make more precise diagnoses based on data. Personalized therapies are increasingly being developed. In the context of Covid-19, public awareness around the handling of health data has raised. But health data is sensitive and can be misused. How must the use of this data be regulated nationally and internationally in order to benefit everyone in the best way possible? We will discuss the general situation, the concept of the “Green Certificate/ Immunity Certificate” and the role of international Geneva in developing the necessary framework conditions.

This event is co-organised by the Swiss Academies and the grassroots think tank foraus, which promotes constructive foreign policy and an informed dialogue.


Introduction: Florence Balthasar, MA, Board Member of foraus




Dr. Katrin Crameri

Director of the Personalized Health Informatics Group at Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics SIB, Member of the National Steering Boards at Swiss Personalized Health Network SPHN


Moritz Fegert, MA

Project manager and author: “Health Data Governance: What’s in it for Switzerland”, foraus


Agata Ferretti, PhD (completed)

Health Ethics Policy Lab, ETH Zurich


Prof. Marcel Salathé

Epidemiologist, Head of the Lab of Digital Epidemiology, EPF Lausanne



Moderation: Claudia Appenzeller, exec. MPA, Secretary General of the Swiss Academies



The livestream on YouTube can be accessed on our YouTube channel.