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Bern | Académies suisses des sciences

Kick-Off Workshop: CoARA National Chapter Switzerland

The CoARA Steering Committee has accepted the National Chapter Switzerland. Co-led by the SNSF and Swiss Academies, seven Swiss institutions have committed their active involvement in the chapter, including BFH, HES-SO, ZHAW, University Fribourg, and Swiss Reproducibility Network.


We invite you to a Kick-Off Workshop at the SNSF Office in Bern on December 11, 9 - 12:45 am, followed by a lunch buffet to involve other interested Swiss institutions and initiate the Swiss National Chapter. Please find the programme below. 


If you would like to participate, please register via this link until Dec 4th: Registration.





Welcome coffee



09:20 – 10:00

State of CoARA

Yensi Flores Bueso, Member of the CoARA Steering Board

10:00 – 10:30

Learnings from the Norwegian chapter

Ragnar Lie, Senior Advisor Universities Norway

10:30 – 11:00


11:00 – 12:00


Highlight talks

ZHAW, BFH, SwissRN, SNSF & Swiss Academies

12:00 - 12:40

Synergies and next steps


12:40 – 12:45

Final Remarks


Lunch Buffet