Networking science.

We are the largest scientific network in Switzerland and provide advice to policy-makers and society on knowledge-based and socially relevant issues. MORE

Science in dialogue

Science et Cité is the national hub for dialogue between science and society. The foundation takes a new approach, acting as a go-between in discussions between the two. The foundation greatly values the cultural diversity of the country and is active in the three major linguistic regions. The mission and the approach of Science et Cité are advanced by the scientific community, in particular through connection with the Swiss Academies.

Our three strengths

The strategy of Science et Cité is founded on three main points. The foundation is able to work at an individual level, collaboratively and under the mandate of national and regional projects:


Face to face – direct discussion between scientists and the public

Science et Cite encourages meetings and exchanges between researchers and the non-scientific community on recent developments and their value to society. We encourage open discussion, looking at subjects from different perspectives. These meetings may take place in local contexts and offer a variety of formats.


Digital Interaction – online dialogue on knowledge and its relationship with society

Science et Cité stands out in the Swiss scientific arena by encouraging dialogue based on the values between science and society and its use of online technology. To this end, Science et Cité is active through different social channels and it regularly launches projects on specific subjects.


Learning Networks – dialogue between science communicators

Science et Cité encourages the sharing of experiences on matters of science communication in Switzerland. This includes the following of international trends and the new opportunities that these bring. This exchange is mostly done through the ScienceComm conference, the Réseau Romand Science et Cité, the Réseau des sciences citoyennes en Suisse and from dialogue with young people.

Was sind die Ergebnisse des Wissenschaftsbarometer 2019? 

Das «Wissenschaftsbarometer Schweiz» geht in die zweite Runde: Wir freuen uns, Ihnen aktuelle Ergebnisse unserer Befragung vorzustellen. Diese erfasst, wie die Schweizer Bevölkerung Wissenschaft und Forschung wahrnimmt, wo sie sich über diese Themen informiert und wie sie diese Informationen beurteilt. Folgen Sie unserer virtuellen Podiumsdiskussion präsentiert von:


  • Prof. Dr. Julia Metag Leiterin des Arbeitsbereichs „Formen und Prozesse öffentlicher Kommunikation“, Universität Münster
  • Prof. Dr. Mike S. Schäfer Leiter der Abteilung für Wissenschaftskommunikation und Leiter CHESS – Center of Higher Education and Science Studies, Universität Zürich Sprecher der Expertengruppe „Communicating Sciences & Arts in Times of Digital Media“, Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz


Moderation: Claudia Appenzeller, exec. MPA, Generalsekretärin a+