Networking science.

We are the largest scientific network in Switzerland and provide advice to policy-makers and society on knowledge-based and socially relevant issues. MORE

Advanced Manufacturing

In recent years, major progress has been made internationally in the fields of additive manufacturing and industry 4.0. The SATW is of the opinion that seminal progress will keep being made in the coming years, with deep repercussions for industrial production modes.

SATW Research Association for Advanced Manufacturing

In order to promote independent cooperation between existing Swiss research organisations in the field of Advanced Manufacturing, SATW has founded the Advanced Manufacturing research association. The main focus is on the areas of additive manufacturing processes and Industry 4.0. 


Additive Manufacturing Thematic Platform

The Additive Manufacturing Thematic Platform supports SATW with regard to the early identification process for new technologies. The focus is on the identification of possible future developments and trends in the field of additive manufacturing that may be of interest and importance for the Swiss economy and for science. This should help to position Switzerland correctly in these relevant areas and to provide suitable structures to derive the greatest possible benefit from the new technologies.

Manuel Kugler

Priority Programme Advanced Manufacturing and Artificial Intelligence

Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences SATW
St. Annagasse 18
8001 Zurich 
