Networking science.

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Big Data

The great importance of data in the 21st century cannot be stressed enough. In the course of digitisation, the amount of data produced is increasing rapidly, but only a fraction of it is being effectively evaluated. Traditional forms of data processing are reaching their limits and new evaluation methods, such as artificial intelligence, are needed. The English term "Big Data" is often used as an umbrella term for the collection and evaluation of large amounts of data.

Data as a valuable resource

Although not limited like gold or oil, data is still very precious. Its value comes from its unlimited reusability and the benefits it generates. Data even become more useful the more you use them. Data is critical to Industry 4.0 and it is the foundation for AI system development and training. On the one hand, it is therefore a matter of collecting a lot of data, which is becoming increasingly easy thanks to ever cheaper sensors and an increase in measurable touchpoints as digitisation progresses. On the other hand, data must also be able to be structured and analysed in a meaningful way so that the right conclusions can be drawn. This requires a great deal of computing power. According to Technology Outlook 2019, Big Data analytics is a field of technology that is not only considered to be of great economic relevance, but where Switzerland is also well placed to play a leading role in this area. All advancement in this area must keep in mind the necessity for modern data protection.

NFP 75 «Big Data»

The National Research Programme 75 “Big Data” (NRP 75) provides foundations for the effective and appropriate use of big data. The projects focus on computing and information technology. They deal with the effects on society as well as on big data applications in various areas of society. As head of knowledge transfer, SATW staff member Beatrice Huber is responsible for making the findings of the numerous projects in NRP 75 available to interested experts and organisations and to the general public. The overall funding of NFP 75 is CHF 25 million. The research phase will last 5 years.

Beatrice Huber

Head of Communication and Marketing


St. Annagasse 18

8001 Zurich