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Effects of Digitalisation: Workplace, Education and Medicine

The increasing digitalisation in almost all areas is a profound change process, comparable to the industrial revolution. The Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences are focusing on the effects of this on the workplace, education and medicine.

Effects on Workplace

The digital transformation is changing many industries. Whether new business models and services, increasing automation or new forms of collaboration: the challenges are enormous in many areas. As the basis and important product of digitization, data plays a decisive role, which is why the academies are involved in various projects in this field. These include a secure Swiss data space, the improved exchange of research data in the sense of Open Science, and blockchain applications.


Effects on Education

Digitalisation is an opportunity for education and must not be reduced to a purely technical development. It is not enough to equip classrooms with mobile devices and to make more use of computer-supported learning: Teachers and children must learn to deal with the new technologies comprehensively, but also critically. The SATW is therefore committed to comprehensive technology education and the promotion of digital literacy. What new demands does the digital transformation place on pupils and teachers? What demands does the job market make on school leavers? In order to answer these questions, the SATW promotes exchanges between experts from the fields of education and business as well as the general public.

Dr. Esther Koller

Secretary General, SATW

Swiss Academy of

Engineering Sciences SATW

St. Annagasse 18

8001 Zurich


lic. phil. Valérie Clerc

Secretary General SAMS
House of Academies
Laupenstrasse 7
P.O. Box
3001 Bern
