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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is opening up an unimaginable number of new possibilities in all areas of life. The SATW focus programme "Artificial Intelligence" is intended to help Switzerland play a leading role in the development and application of AI. A particular focus is on the awareness of the society for the opportunities and risks of AI.

Artificial Intelligence Thematic Platform

The Artificial Intelligence Thematic Platform investigates in which Swiss industries AI methods are already sufficiently applied and where and how gaps should be closed in order to remain competitive or build up new competitive advantages.

Recommendations for an AI Strategy in Switzerland

Under the direction of the thematic platform, leading experts in artificial intelligence (AI) have published their recommendations for a Swiss AI strategy. They advocate more intensive use of the technology and the creation of national data platforms, as data is a prerequisite for powerful algorithms. Without such efforts, Switzerland risks losing ground in this forward-looking technology. Since social acceptance is a key success factor, the population must be better informed about the opportunities and risks.

Manuel Kugler

Priority Programme Advanced Manufacturing and Artificial Intelligence

Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences SATW
St. Annagasse 18
8001 Zurich 


A white paper organised by the SATW topical platform on Artificial Intelligence
Recommendations for an AI Strategy in Switzerland