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The 2021 Balzan Prizewinners

The microbiome, gravitation, the Holocaust and genocide, and Near Eastern art and archaeology: these are the topics on which the scientists and scholars who were awarded the 2021 Balzan Prize are conducting research. Due to the pandemic, the awards ceremony was being held this year, in early summer in Bern.
The 2021 Balzan Prizewinners Interdisciplinary Forum

30 June 2022

from 1:30pm

University of Bern

Joan Martínez Alier
Jeffrey Ivan Gordon (USA)

2021 Balzan Prize for


Microbiome in Health and Disease

© picture source: International Balzan Prize Foundation
Jean-Marie Tarascon
Alessandra Buonanno and Thibault Damour (Italy/USA and France)

2021 Balzan Prize for


Gravitation: physical and astrophysical aspects

© picture source: International Balzan Prize Foundation
Susan Trumboer
Saul Friedländer (Israel/USA)

2021 Balzan Prize for


Holocaust and Genocide Studies

© picture source: International Balzan Prize Foundation
Giorgio Buccellati and Marilyn Kelly-Buccellati (Italy/USA)

2021 Balzan Prize for


Art and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East

© picture source: International Balzan Prize Foundation
Florim Ceka

Reference person Balzan Prize


Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences

Laupenstrasse 7

P.O. Box

3001 Bern