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Expert group scientific integrity

Between 2018 and 2021, a group of experts in the field of scientific integrity has existed under the chairmanship of Prof. Edwin Charles Constable. The expert group consisted of six members, representing the participating institutions Swiss Academies, Swissuniversities, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF),  Innosuisse and ETH domain and was coordinated by a secretariat.The main task of the expert group was to renew the principles and procedures in the field of Scientific Integrity as well as the related regulations from 2008, taking into account the ALLEA Code of Conduct (2017), in order to create common standards in Switzerland.


Prof. Edwin Charles Constable
Former Vice Rector Research, President of the Doctoral Commission and Professor of Chemistry (University of Basel)




Prof. Christine Pirinoli
Vice-Rector of the Research and Innovation Department, HES-SO



Prof. Andreas Lienhard
Full professor of constitutional and administrative law, University of Bern



Prof. Regina Aebi-Müller
Professor of Law, University of Lucerne



Prof. emer. Pierre Hoffmeyer
Professor of Medicine, University of Geneva



Prof. Denis Duboule
Professor of Developmental Genetics and Genomics, University of Geneva and ETH Lausanne




Karin Spycher
Head of Committee for Scientific Integrity, Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences



Noëmi Eglin
Co-Head of Division research and development, swissuniversities



Milva Franceschi
Lawyer, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)



Joël Brigger
Legal, Data Protection and Information Officer, Innosuisse



Learn more about the Code of conduct for scientific integrity on the theme page!

Karin Spycher

Head of Scientific Integrity
House of Academies
Laupenstrasse 7
P.O. Box
3001 Bern




Please note that we cannot act as a consultation or advisory service for individual cases regarding academic integrity.

Published May 2021
Code of conduct for scientific integrity
© picture source: Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences